
Star Breath

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Keep shining and breathing with the Best Tees, as they guide you through a mindful moment like the star you are!

Ellie The Elephant And The Stinkin' Thinkin!

Join Ellie on an adventure to learn about the importance of her thoughts - and kick that stinkin' thinkin' to the curb!

Let's Talk About Love

There are lots of ways to say I love you! You might like to give someone a hug, or tell them kind words. How do you show your love for someone?

Let's Talk About Emotions

Understanding our emotions is so helpful, no matter your age or abilities! What are things that make YOU feel angry or happy or scared?

Mindfulness Compilation

A mix of two fun and active mindfulness activities for kids - Mindful Looking and Rainbow Relaxation.

Kindness Makes Me Stronger

Nick spends time on his grandparents farm teaching his new friends the power of kindness.

Little Craig And The Yellow Bike

A little book about rising above the things that can affect us.

Little Sock

Follow Little Sock on this adorable journey about bravery and aspiration.

What's My Superpower?

What’s My Superpower is a celebration of those who use their words and abilities to lift up the world around them.

The Digger And The Flower

The Digger and the Flower is a heartfelt story of tenderness and caring for the world around us.

Let's Get Our Eyes Checked

Come along with Caitie as she gets her eyes checked at the optometrist's office - that's a fancy word for eye doctor!

Good Night Sleep Tight

It's time to sleep and dream of stars and moonbeams, little pegasus pony.

Anti-Bullying Week

KidsHumanMental HealthSelf...
Charlie was bullied at school but has tried his negative experiences into something positive for other children.

Gratitude Is Your Super Power

A wonderful book for teachers and parents encouraging children to practice compassion, positive thinking and gratitude through various scenarios.

Explore Your Feelings With Art

Art can help us understand the way we feel and why!

Showing Confidence

Confidence is when you believe in yourself and your abilities, or the abilities of others!

A Little Spot Of Flexible Thinking

This books introduces a creative way for children to understand how to approach challenges and situations with flexibility and a growth mindset.

A Little Spot Of Teamwork

This book teaches children about the benefits of working together and respecting when others have a difference of opinion.

A Little Spot Of Optimism

This book teaches children about the benefits of having a positive mindset and how they can use positive self-talk and affirmations.

A Little Spot Of Perseverance

This book shows children how to persevere through life’s challenges.

Let's Unwind!

Practice unwinding your body and thoughts so you feel relaxed and happy inside and out.