
Protecting Giraffes From Extinction

KidsConservationAnimalsKids 125...
Dr. Julian Fennessy is on a quest to study these majestic creatures to ensure their future survival – who have already become extinct in at least seven countries.

The Many Layers Of Sedimentary Rocks

Jessi and Sam learn about sedimentary rocks and show how you can use vinegar to identify a piece of limestone.

The Lightning Capital

Find out more about Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, also known as The Lightning Capital of The World!

The Invitation

Can young readers solve the mystery of why Orange didn't get an invitation?

The Driest Places On Earth

In this SciShow Kids episode, Jessi and Squeaks learn about amazing places where it almost never rains.

Animated Earth Stories

When Earth gets a bit lonely, it decides to visit its friends in the solar system.

The Rainiest Places On Earth

In this episode of SciShow Kids, Jessi and Squeaks learn about places with record-breaking rainfall.

The Windiest Places On Earth

Jessi and Squeaks explore two of the windiest places on Earth: Mount Washington in New Hampshire, USA, and Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica.

Greenhouse Gases Explained

KidsGlobal WarmingScienceWorld...
Watch the video to learn about greenhouse gases, how they work and where they come from.


If you think it's cold outside where you are, you should try living in the coldest place on Earth: Antarctica! Learn why it's a desert even though it's very cold, and about awesome animals like seals and penguins.

Road Safety Week

It’s time to help keep everyone safe on the roads.

What Is The Harvest Festival?

Learn a little about the Harvest Festival and how you can participate.

Dino Road Trip

Join dinosaur pals Ali the Ankylosaurus and Sean the Iguanodon as they time travel on a Dino Road Trip!

Adventure Cat: Bao Zi

Bao Zi was so anxious her parents decided she needed some adventure in her life. What they never expected was...she’d become a swimming fanatic!

How To Draw Super Earth

Our Earth is super powerful, so it's fun to imagine it as a superhero. Follow along with us and draw your own Super Earth.

What Are Waves?

Let's learn all about the waves that we play in at the beach!

Canada For Kids

You will learn lots of interesting facts about Canada, like it is the second-largest country in the world.

Learn Ballet With Amani

On today's Awesome Info Kids, we meet Amani who lives in Durham, North Carolina. She's a ballet dancer.

Germany: Skiing

Discover the world with Travel Kids!

Earth From Space: UK Heatwave

The Copernicus Sentinel-3 images show the scale of Britain’s heatwave in August.

The Giant Heads of Easter Island for Kids

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is an isolated island off the coast of Chile with an amazing secret: hundreds and hundreds of giant stone heads