
34 Years Of Strandbeest Evolution

The surprising genius of Strandbeests.

China’s MELTDOWN-PROOF Nuclear Reactor

This year, the first next next generation nuclear reactor expected to enter operation passed a huge milestone. Scientists and engineers in China proved that the reactor was, in theory, MELTDOWN-PROOF.

Primitive Technology: Water Bellows smelt

I tested the water bellows with a smelt and it produced a small amount of iron from the ore. The concept has a lot of potential but is having some issues.

Primitive Technology: Water Bellows (uses water instead of leather)

I built a Water Bellows. It’s an upside-down clay pot with an inlet valve and an outlet spout. The inlet valve is simply a hole in the pot with a leaf plastered to the inside with wet clay so that it forms a one-way flap valve.

Think Like An Engineer: Let's Design A Solution

Squeaks, Jessi, and the gang are designing a raft for their friend Juniper. They'll think like engineers and learn how to create a design that solves their problem.

Think Like An Engineer: Juniper's Problem

Our friend Juniper needs a boat, and ours is missing! Jessi proposes we think like engineers and gather information to find a way to solve our problem.

Primitive Technology: One-Way Blower Iron Smelt & Forging Experiment

I tested the one-way spinning blower in an iron smelt and it is more effective than the previous both way spinning blower.

Why Climbers Trust Rubber With Their Lives

Why is rubber so “sticky”? Why does rubber consistently have one of the highest coefficients of friction?

Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED

The blue LED was supposed to be impossible—until a young engineer proposed a moonshot idea.


At Rice University in Houston, Texas, mechanical engineers have created dead spider robots!

Using Lasers To Disperse Ravens

Chris uses one of the world's only remotely-fired lasers to safely disperse a gathering of thousands of ravens in the middle of the California desert.

How I Built My Prosthetic Arm With LEGO Bricks

The genius engineering student was born without a right forearm, but now makes his own prosthetics using the creative power of LEGO bricks.

How To Design A Mars Rover

Today, the crew at The Fort learn about engineers and how they design different ways to solve problems like they did for the rovers exploring Mars!

Primitive Technology: New Brick Kiln Design

I cleared an area as a workspace for making bricks, trialed a new source of clay for brick making and tested a new kiln variant that uses fewer bricks than the previous design.

How One Design Flaw Almost Toppled A Skyscraper

Dig into the unique engineering of New York City’s Citicorp Center tower, and the design flaw that threatened to topple it.

Explaining concrete while getting buried in it

Concrete = cement + sand + gravel. Cement is the most important man-made material on Earth.

rimitive Technology: Decarburization of iron and forging experiments

I took a brittle, high carbon/iron alloy (cast iron) made from local ore and used a decarburization method to reduce it's carbon content making it malleable and forged it flat by hammering.

3D Printing With A Twist

A rotating nozzle that can print with multiple different materials at the same time has been used to print helix shapes with intriguing properties.

Tell Me About: Roller Coasters

Ever wondered how roller coasters work? Or how they're built? Well hop on and go for a ride to find out.

Primitive Technology: Rock-Throwing Catapult (Trebuchet)

I built a trebuchet, a type of catapult that uses a counter weight to store gravitational potential energy which is then used to fire a projectile via a sling.

3D Printing With Drones

Researchers have mounted 3D printers onto drones with the aim of creating swarms of robots that could 3D print entire buildings.