Spacecraft Returns To Earth
YouthSpaceTechnologyTransportationScience... Two astronauts who made it to the International Space Station will bid farewell to the faulty spacecraft they were using today, as it's set to return to Earth - without them.
Here Comes The Sun
YouthEducationSpaceScienceNature... In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina chats about the sun; what it is, how it works, and how the energy gets to us here on Earth.
Dorothy J. Vaughn
YouthHistorySpaceWomenScience... Dorothy J. Vaughan was a pioneer human computer and visionary who was integral in the expansion of a diverse workforce across NASA.
Cleaning Up Space Debris
YouthScienceSpaceTechnology Paladin Space founder Harrison Box, explains the dangers of space debris — and how their innovative solution aims to combat this threat.
Defying Gravity
YouthPhysicsScienceSpace Sabrina talks about gravity and explains that when we talk about gravity pulling things down, what we really mean is gravity is pulling things TOWARD the Earth.
The Apollo 11 Moon Landing
YouthHistorySpaceTechnologyScience... In the months leading up to the historic take-off, Nasa put the crew through gruelling, relentless simulations in order to prepare them.
Anthony Mackie Asks NASA About Ocean Science
YouthGlobal WarmingScienceSpaceOcean... Join Anthony Mackie, actor and National Geographic host, as he chats about how scientists study the ocean and the creatures that live there – including sharks!
Is This Why Venus Lost Its Ocean?
YouthHistorySpaceWorldScienceNature... The Earth and Venus are made of similar material and are about the same size. Yet one planet has an abundance of water and the other is bone dry. When and how did this happen?
Solar Flares 2024
YouthScienceSpaceWeatherWorldNature... In May 2024, Earth saw a huge increase in extreme geomagnetic storms, leading to some spectacular aurora displays around the world.
2024 Solar Eclipse
YouthScienceSpace Watch the moment the solar eclipse happened, and hear from some kids who went out to watch it!
Odysseus Spacecraft Lands On The Moon
YouthFutureSpaceTechnologyScience... On Thursday evening, the Odysseus spacecraft landed on the Moon. It's the first time a US spacecraft has landed on the Moon in 50 years.
Are We Made Of Stardust?
YouthFactsScienceSpaceHistory... Our planetary scientist Dr Ashley King reveals how the big bang, stars and supernovas helped make life possible.
What You Need To Know About Europa
YouthScienceSpaceWorld Exploring this ocean world with our Europa Clipper spacecraft could provide new clues in our search for life beyond Earth.
Solar Eclipse
YouthScienceWorldSpaceEnvironment... Isabelle MacNeil breaks down what happens in space during a solar eclipse, and why it can be unsafe to look at it without the proper eye protection.
Why Does NASA Observe The Sun In Different Colours?
YouthScienceSpaceAstronomy The Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, sees the Sun in more than 10 distinct wavelengths of light, showing solar material at different temperatures.