
Why the Three-Body Problem is Unsolvable*

Adults Math
What is the THREE-BODY PROBLEM? What does it have to do with the award-winning book of the same name?

The Language Counting Paradox

Adults Math
Lots of languages and species are going extinct, but because others keep getting found or described, the official counts of languages and species are still increasing.

Something Strange Happens When You Follow Einstein's Math Veritasium 15.5M subscribers Subscribe 91K

Adults Math
Einstein was wrong about black holes, what else?

Why the Hardest Rocks Can Be Easy to Break

Adults Math
So, rocks are hard. But the scale we use to rank them, the Mohs scale, is only really good at quantifying that for one kind of hardness, and topaz is a perfect stone to talk about to explain that. And you can check it out in our SciShow Rocks Box subscription!

Why is this number everywhere?

Adults Math
he number 37 is on your mind more than you think.

The Oldest Unsolved Problem in Math

Adults Math
Do odd perfect numbers exist?

The Trillion Dollar Equation

Adults Math
The most famous equation in finance, the Black-Scholes/Merton equation, came from physics.

Numbers They Don't Teach You In School

Adults Math
There's a strange number system, featured in the work of a dozen Fields Medalists, that helps solve problems that are intractable with real numbers.

This one weird trick will get you infinite gold - Dan Finkel

Adults Math
A few years ago, the king decided your life would be forfeit unless you tripled the gold coins in his treasury.

The Odd Number Rule

Adults Math
Micheal teaches us about the "Odd Number Rule".

Can you solve the dark coin riddle? - Lisa Winer

Adults Math
You heard the travelers' tales, you followed the maps, and now, you've finally located the dungeon containing a stash of ancient coins. The good news: the wizard who owns the castle has generously agreed to let you have the coins. The bad news: he's not quite as generous about letting you leave the dungeon ... unless you solve his puzzle. Can you solve it and get out alive? Lisa Winer shows how.