Did Vikings Use These Crystals To Navigate?
AdultsHistoryTechnologyThe Vikings were renowned navigators at a time before magnetic compasses were invented. So how'd they manage it? Their secret may have been these pretty-pointed crystals of calcite called Iceland spar, and this month's SciShow Rocks Box subscribers will get to try this out for themselves!
Solar Energy Is Even Cheaper Than You Think | Jenny Chase | TED
AdultsLifeNatureTechnologyHow prevalent is solar power, really? According to researcher Jenny Chase, it's already displacing fossil fuels in key energy markets around the world.
The Free Will Illusion
AdultsPhilosophyPsychologyYou feel like you are free. Free to cross the street when you want to, free to like the color blue more than red, free to watch this video.
What Would Happen If We Just Kept Digging?
AdultsEnvironmentGeologyPhysics...The deepest hole we've ever been able to dig is just 0.2 percent of the way to the center of the Earth. What would we encounter if we could drill all the way?
34 Years Of Strandbeest Evolution
AdultsArtDesignEngineering...The surprising genius of Strandbeests.
Primitive Technology: Brick hut destroyed by falling tree
AdultsConstructionDIYNature...The brick hut was destroyed by a falling tree. It had lasted 2 years and 8 months and would have lasted quite a bit longer if it were not for the accident.
Presidential Historian Answers Presidency Questions | Tech Support | WIRED
AdultsEducationHistoryInternet Culture...Presidential historian and head of the George Washington Presidential Library Lindsay Chervinsky joins WIRED to answer the internet's burning questions about the American Presidency.
What does Machiavellian mean?
AdultsLeadershipPhilosophyPoliticsWhat if a person is a good leader… and a bad person? In this episode of Crash Course Political Theory, we unpack that idea through the lens of Machiavelli’s famous treatise, “The Prince,” and find more questions than answers.