
The Best Keyboard, According to Science

Adults Design
o become a master of coding, start your college journey with Study Hall!

World's Strongest Magnet!

Adults Design
The world's strongest magnet is a million times stronger than Earth's magnetic field. Learn more about sustainability and Google’s efforts at Part of this video was sponsored by Google.

How To Terraform Mars - WITH LASERS

Adults Design
Mars is a disappointing hellhole lacking practically everything we need to stay alive. It looks like we’ll only ever have small crews spend a miserable time hidden underground.

Why Decibels Don’t Equal Loudness

Adults Design

Why Are 96,000,000 Black Balls on This Reservoir?

Adults Design
I took a boat through 96 million black plastic balls on the Los Angeles reservoir to find out why they're there.

See With Your Ears: Spielberg And Sound Design

Adults Design
A look at how sound design can structure a movie scene.