What Would Happen If We Just Kept Digging?
AdultsEnvironmentGeologyPhysics...The deepest hole we've ever been able to dig is just 0.2 percent of the way to the center of the Earth. What would we encounter if we could drill all the way?
You've Never Heard of the World's Most Common Mineral
AdultsEducationScienceWork...The most common substance in the world is literally IN the world. It's a mineral called bridgmanite, and it belongs to a class of minerals (called perovskites) that scientists are trying to use in the next generation of solar panels.
Why the Hardest Rocks Can Be Easy to Break
AdultsEducationMathPhysics...So, rocks are hard. But the scale we use to rank them, the Mohs scale, is only really good at quantifying that for one kind of hardness, and topaz is a perfect stone to talk about to explain that. And you can check it out in our SciShow Rocks Box subscription!
The continents are moving. When will they collide?
AdultsEnvironmentLifeWorld...Dig into the science of plate tectonics to find out when the next supercontinent will emerge— and how it could affect Earth’s environment.