
The Science Behind James Cameron’s Avatar

James Cameron is diving into the deep: this time, into the oceans of an alien world. The director shares how Earth's oceans inspired The Way of Water—and his hope it will motivate viewers to protect our own planet.

Rescuing Indigenous Knowledge In The Andes To Restore Ecosystems

YouthEnvironmentGlobal WarmingHistory...
Constantino Aucca Chutas has pioneered a community reforestation model driven by local and Indigenous communities, which has led to three million trees being planted in Peru.

Why Do We Release So Much Gas?

The carbon dioxide we’re pumping into the air every day is causing unprecedented global warming and climate change.

Pet Shop Breakout Sparks Chameleon Invasion

When dozens of Jackson chameleons escaped a Hawaiian pet shop in 1972, they started to wreck havoc on the local ecosystem.

Locust Plague Devours 40,000 Tonnes of Vegetation

When there is an abundance of crops, flightless locusts create a plague-like swarm, which can run a kilometre long, in search for food.

What Is Ocean Stratification?

The ocean has layers that mix—sometimes. What are the layers made of? And why is it bad news when they don’t?

How Many Animal Species Are There, Really?

It's harder than you might think to know how many animal species live on Earth.

Anteater Rescue

A tiny baby anteater fell from the tree where he was sleeping, and animal rescuers can't find his mom anywhere in sight.

Are Hurricanes Getting Stronger?

Although we’ll never see a Category 6 hurricane, data does show that more hurricanes are becoming more severe.

Moth Rescue

When Tala found a giant moth struggling in the parking lot, she quickly came to her rescue!

Befriending A Millipede

David Attenborough makes friends with one of natures creepiest crawlies: the millipede.

Earth From Space: UK Heatwave

The Copernicus Sentinel-3 images show the scale of Britain’s heatwave in August.

Why Are So Many Sharks Disappearing?

Bill Nighy explains why humans have become a Great White Shark's greatest threat.

Bernadina The Baby Hippo

Join Jaida Elcock as she meets the super cute calf and discusses hippo conservations with experts.

Florida Everglades

A trip through the Florida everglades to find out about mangroves and their importance to this coastal ecosystem.

How Fireflies Inspired Energy-Efficient Lights

Electricity accounts for around 5% of greenhouse gas emissions. So how can we make it more efficient? Belgian physicist Jean-Pol Vigneron and his team found the answer could lie within a firefly's abdomen.

Sea Women Of Melanesia

The Sea Women of Melanesia train local women to monitor and assess the impacts of widespread coral bleaching on some of the world's most endangered reefs.

Why Water Dissolves (Almost) Everything

Water can dissolve more substances than anything else on why doesn't it dissolve everything away?

Climate-Resilient Buildings

This UNEP publication demonstrates how buildings and community spaces can be constructed to increase their resilience to climate change.

Mineral Extraction: Crash Course Geography #44

Today we're going to take a look at mineral extraction -- or the removal of rocks and minerals from the Earths' crust -- and examine how this human activity impacts all aspects of Geography.

The Freshwater Paradox

Even though less than 1% of Earth's water is freshwater, it's the home for 50% of fish species. This is the Freshwater Paradox.