
How To Fold Laundry

KidsHow-toKids 110Kids 115...
We're going to learn about how to fold laundry today!

Senses You Didn't Know You Have

KidsSensesAdventureKids 110...
Squeaks is heading on a trip around the world! He's going to experience so many things, using senses he didn't even know he has!

Animal ASMR: Slow Down With Sloths

KidsAnimalsEntertainmentKids 110...
Let the sounds of the Brazilian rainforest soothe you as this female three-toed sloth slowly navigates the trees that surround her.

A Horse Named Steve

KidsAnimalsBooksKids 110...
A Horse Named Steve is a story about how you can be special whether you’re different or whether you’re just like everyone else.

Rhinoceros Beetles Are Tiny Little Warriors

KidsAnimalsEcologyKids 115...
These beetles have become famous due to their reputation for being fierce, as exhibited in battles between the males of the species!

Careers: Robotics

What is the difference between a robotics engineer and a robotics technician? In this video you'll learn a little about both career options.

How Ears Let Us Hear the World

In this episode, Squeaks learns about how humans (and a couple of other animal guests) hear.

What Are Tariffs?

KidsEconomyEducationKids 125...
We wanted to understand what tariffs are. You too? We hope this helps.

Partner Sit n' Stand

KidsFunGamesKids 110...
Grab a partner, stand back to back, link arms, and then try to sit down and stand back up!


KidsBooksCookingKids 120...
Spork is a “multi-cutlery” tale for anyone who’s ever felt like a misfit.

Protecting Giraffes From Extinction

KidsConservationAnimalsKids 125...
Dr. Julian Fennessy is on a quest to study these majestic creatures to ensure their future survival – who have already become extinct in at least seven countries.

What Is The International Space Station?

KidsKids 110Kids 115Kids 120...
Do you know what the ISS is? On November 2, 2000, three individuals began living on the International Space Station.

How Eyes Let Us See The World

KidsAnimalsBiologyKids 120...
In this episode, Squeaks learns about how humans (and a couple of other animal guests) see.

How Do Ice Storms Happen?

KidsEnvironmentKids 110Kids 115...
CBC Kids News contributor Aerin Murphy explains how ice storms form and what happens when they do.

Star Breath

KidsHow-toKids 110Kids 115...
Keep shining and breathing with the Best Tees, as they guide you through a mindful moment like the star you are!

All About Beavers

KidsAnimalsEcologyKids 110...
What do you know about beavers? In this video for kids, you'll learn quite a bit that you might not know.

Proboscis Monkeys

KidsAnimalsEducationKids 125...
These monkeys are amongst the largest living in Asia, with populations concentrated in Borneo, Indonesia and Malaysia.

The Taekwonderoos: Rescue At Rattling Ridge

A story of bravery, determination, courage and teamwork.

Water's Amazing Journey

KidsKids 120Kids 125Kids 130
Water makes an amazing journey around the world called the water cycle. Squeaks and his friends put on a play to learn all about it!

Goodbye Goldfish

KidsGlobal WarmingKids 125Kids 130
A Grade 6 class wanted to find out why the goldfish were removed from a local lake.

Take A Breather Meditation

KidsKids 110Kids 115Kids 120...
Introduce young children to the technique of Box Breathing (Sometimes referred to as Square Breathing) with this fun breathing activity to calm nerves and ease anxiety!