
Building a Sled | Alaska: The Next Generation

Daniel Apassingok, along with Chase and his family and friends help build a sled to help their every day lives.

Primitive Technology: New Brick Kiln Design

I cleared an area as a workspace for making bricks, trialed a new source of clay for brick making and tested a new kiln variant that uses fewer bricks than the previous design.

Baking Soda And Vinegar Boat

Learn how to make a boat powered by baking soda and vinegar.

Kylee Makes A Fidget Cube

Kylee creates a super fun quick craft: a fidget cube!

Primitive Technology: Making Charcoal (3 Different Methods)

About This Video: With more iron smelting experiments coming up, I demonstrate 3 different methods to make charcoal, ranked easiest to hardest.

30 Days Building A Modern Underground Hut With A Grass Roof And A Swimming Pool

Today we show how to build an underground house with a pool and decorations, including an underground living room.

Primitive Technology: Iron Bacteria Cement

I developed a cement made from iron bacteria, then made pots from it to test its ability to set and not dissolve in water.

rimitive Technology: Decarburization of iron and forging experiments

I took a brittle, high carbon/iron alloy (cast iron) made from local ore and used a decarburization method to reduce it's carbon content making it malleable and forged it flat by hammering.

Primitive Technology: Cane Water Filter/Siphon

I made a water filter from cane that siphons clean water from a dirty water while simultaneously using the xylem present in the the cane as a filter.

Make Dinosaur Eggs At Home!

With a little effort, you can create some amazing frozen dino eggs.

How To Turn Stuff From Your Yard Into Insect Sculptures

Raku Inoue is taking you through the steps you need to know to try to create your own fantastical insect sculptures.

Primitive Technology: Rock-Throwing Catapult (Trebuchet)

I built a trebuchet, a type of catapult that uses a counter weight to store gravitational potential energy which is then used to fire a projectile via a sling.

How To Make A Unicorn Puppet

Have a dig in the recycling bin for some of the materials for this fun DIY make inspired by Swiss artist Sophie Taeuber-Arp's Dada marionettes.

Lightning In A Bottle

How to Make Your Own Lighting In a Bottle DIY Science Experiments for kids with Ryan's World!

Giant Cardboard Marble Run

How to make Device to transfer marbles from a bag to a box.

5 Cute Animal Origami Faces

Easy paper folding crafts for kids to make animal origami faces.

Making A LEGO Car Cross Gaps

Testing a Lego car against longer and longer gaps that it needs to drive over.

Primitive Technology: Brick Firing Kiln

Primitive Technology: Brick Firing Kiln – building a brink firing kiln from scratch.

Primitive Technology: 4 years of primitive technology

4 years of primitive technology.