
Keeping An Eye On Ocean Garbage...From Space!

Youth Science
ESA is exploring how satellites can help detect and reduce plastic pollution in the ocean.

Food Webs

Kids Science
There's a lot more going on in ecosystems than just temperature.

Why Is Biodiversity Important?

Youth Science
David Attenborough explains why biodiversity is so important to humans.

What's An Engineer?

Kids Science
You've heard of Engineers, I'm sure. But, what are Engineers? Well, it turns out that they're all kinds of people doing all kinds of neat work!

How Does Your Brain Respond To Pain

Youth Science
Ouch! Everyone experiences pain -- but why do some people react to the same painful stimulus in different ways?

How does your immune system work? - Emma Bryce

Adults Science
The immune system is a vast network of cells, tissues, and organs that coordinate your body's defenses against any threats to your health. Without it, you'd be exposed to billions of bacteria, viruses, and toxins that could make something as minor as a paper cut or a seasonal cold fatal. So how does it work? Emma Bryce takes you inside the body to find out.

How 3D Printers Work

Kids Science
Kamri Noel is on a quest to understand her 3-D printer with the help of a Nat Geo expert.

Are Our Tendons Stronger Than Steel?

Youth Science
Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand show us what tendons do in our bodies and just how super strong they are!

Walking Water Science Experiment

Kids Science
Children will learn about how water travel up the paper towels through a process called capillary action.

How Playing An Instrument Benefits Your Brain

Youth Science
When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active.

The Colours Of Stars

Kids Science
Sam the Bat noticed that some stars are different colors, so Mister Brown teaches him about what colors stars can be, and what all the colors mean!

Can Dogs Really Smell When We're Sick?

Youth Science
Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand use the help of a specially trained dog, Daisy, to detect many kinds of serious diseases in humans by smelling breath samples.

How Distant Galaxies Mess With Our Lives

Adults Science
Tiny particles from distant galaxies have caused plane accidents, election interference and game glitches. This video is sponsored by Brilliant.

Can you outsmart the slippery slope fallacy? - Elizabeth Cox

Adults Science
Dig into the slippery slope fallacy, which assumes that one step will lead to a series of events that lead to an extreme— often bad— scenario.

How the Kushites Took Over Egypt | Flooded Tombs of the Nile

Adults Science
The Kushites and the Egyptians have a long history that is often forgotten about. Archeologist excavating a Kushite tomb discuss just how interconnected the two cultures were as they discover new artifacts within the tomb.

Why You Should Want Driverless Cars On Roads Now

Adults Science
How close are we to having fully autonomous vehicles on the roads? Are they safe? In Chandler, Arizona a fleet of Waymo vehicles are already in operation. Waymo sponsored this video and provided access to their technology and personnel. Check out their safety report here:

How Does A Carburetor Work?

Adults Science
Air flows into the top of the carburetor from the car's air intake, passing through a filter that cleans it of debris..

The Longest-Running Evolution Experiment

Adults Science
Special thanks to Prof. Richard Lenski and team for showing me around the lab — it is an honor to be able to witness and document such a historic science experiment.

Why no one has measured the speed of light

Adults Science
Physics students learn the speed of light, c, is the same for all inertial observers but no one has ever actually measured it in one direction.

Do You Expand With The Universe?

Adults Science
As the universe expands, is said to "stretch" photons. But if it stretches photons, does it also stretch molecules, galaxies and you? A portion of this video was sponsored by Salesforce.

Can we build a "perfect" forest? - Jean-François Bastin

Adults Science
How can trees help in the fight against climate change? Dig into the efforts to rebuild damaged ecosystems and reduce carbon emissions.