The Robot Boot That Learns As You Walk
YouthScienceTechnologyHealthExoskeletons, devices designed to augment and enhance mobility, are fast becoming a reality, thanks to an explosion in research in recent years.
How Rollercoasters Affect Your Body
YouthScienceTechnologyHealthBrian D. Avery investigates what rollercoasters are doing to your body and how they’ve managed to get scarier and safer at the same time.
This MIT Engineer Built His Own Bionic Leg
YouthHistoryTechnologyBiotechnology...At MIT's Media Lab, researchers are developing prosthetic limbs that users can control with their minds, making a robotic foot move as seamlessly as a biological one.
The Importance Of Dog Socialization
YouthAnimalsHealthSocial MediaAn overprotective dog named Wally has been biting one of the members of his household and has been guarding the family's baby.
How Does Your Brain Respond To Pain
YouthScienceHealthNeuroscienceOuch! Everyone experiences pain -- but why do some people react to the same painful stimulus in different ways?