
Kung Fu, Star Trek and the Many Paths to Spirituality | Rainn Wilson

Adults Education
Do you feel overwhelmed by the complex issues facing our world, not to mention your own personal problems? Spirituality is the key to staying grounded and hopeful -- even for skeptics, says actor and author Rainn Wilson.

What Biologists Do: Crash Course Biology

Adults Education
A biologist’s natural habitat is anywhere questions about life are being asked—whether the subject is a nematode or a narwhal, a single cell, or a whole ecosystem.

Primitive Technology: New Brick Kiln Design

Adults Education
I cleared an area as a workspace for making bricks, trialed a new source of clay for brick making and tested a new kiln variant that uses fewer bricks than the previous design.

The Black Hole That Kills Galaxies - Quasars

Adults Education
The universe isn't just a vast empty ocean sprinkled with galaxies – most of the atoms are actually drifting in between, in the intergalactic medium.

Should More Species Be Extinct?

Adults Education
Watch these amazing rewilding videos from our friends at Planet Wild, in which they’re saving Europe’s cutest bird from extinction or resurrecting a dying forest.

Why I Cook Meat Straight from the Freezer (& why you should too)

Adults Education
One of the most annoying and frustrating problems as a home cook, is looking into the fridge on a weeknight and realizing either, the protein you got earlier this week is past the freeze-by date, you have no protein in the first place, or the pack of chicken you threw into the freezer is hours away from being thawed.

What Are Plants Made Of? Crash Course Botany

Adults Education
When you eat a salad for lunch, you’re digging into a giant pile of plant organs. That’s right—plants are made up of organs, only theirs follow a totally different set of rules from our own.

Corn Shouldn't Be Food, But It Is

Adults Education
You probably have a bag of frozen corn in your freezer, or have chowed down on a buttery ear of corn at a cookout.

The “afterlife” according to Einstein’s special relativity

Adults Education
Sabine Hossenfelder discusses the physics of… dead grandmothers?

The Amazing AI Super Tutor for Students and Teachers

Adults Education
Sal Khan, the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, thinks artificial intelligence could spark the greatest positive transformation education has ever seen.

Pizza Chef Answers Pizza Questions

Adults Education
Chef, author, and Razza owner Dan Richer answers the internet's burning questions about pizza.

Primitive Technology: Iron Bacteria Cement

Adults Education
I developed a cement made from iron bacteria, then made pots from it to test its ability to set and not dissolve in water.

World's Strongest Magnet!

Adults Education
The world's strongest magnet is a million times stronger than Earth's magnetic field. Learn more about sustainability and Google’s efforts at Part of this video was sponsored by Google.

The Habit That Could Improve Your Career

Adults Education
Paul Catchlove believes strongly in the power of reflection.

Your Immune System is More Dangerous than You Think

Adults Education
There is this idea floating around that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. That surviving a disease leaves you better off. And it seems to make sense because we have all experienced this.

All the Ways Ice Baths Affect the Body | WIRED

Adults Education
Everyone seems to be cold plunging, or at the very least, watching other people do it.

Black Holes

Adults Education
Black Holes Aren’t Black or Even Holes. What Are They?

Binging with Babish: Cheeseburger from The Menu

Adults Education
While we can’t technically claim these cheeseburgers are lifesaving, they are pretty damn good. Give them a try yourself and let us know!

When Tree Planting Goes Wrong

Adults Education
Special thanks to the Society for Ecological Restoration and its global partners for their support during this production; and to the Convention on Biological Diversity, which is part of the United Nations Environment Program.

What causes cavities? - Mel Rosenberg

Adults Education
When a team of archeologists recently came across some 15,000-year-old human remains, they made an interesting discovery: the teeth of those ancient humans were riddled with holes.

How language shapes the way we think | Lera Boroditsky

Adults Education
There are about 7,000 languages spoken around the world -- and they all have different sounds, vocabularies and structures.