
What Happens To Your Body During Stage Fright?

Adults Life
What does stage fright really do to us? Why do our nerves get the best of us when performing?

The first and last king of Haiti - Marlene Daut

Adults Life
Dive into the life of Henry Christophe, a former slave and leader in the Haitian Revolution and the only king of Haiti.

What Was Being An Adult Like In The 70s?

Adults Life
What was being an adult like in the 1970s? Did boomers have an easier time living?

What's The Dirtiest Room In Your House?

Adults Life
We're talking about germs, okay? How gross are we talking?

The Bacteria That Made Life Possible Are Now Killing Us

Adults Life
Thanks to the St. Croix Watershed Research Station for sponsoring this video!

What If We Burned All Trash on Earth?

Adults Life
With Starbucks banning plastic straws and zero waste on trend, is the solution to plastic pollution and climate change burning all the trash?

How Sustainable Plantations Help Save Uganda’s Decimated Forests

Adults Life
Sustainable forestry is helping the country electrify, cutting down on firewood use—and providing livelihoods.

14 Strange Ways of Life the Ancient Egyptians Practiced

Adults Life
We often think that we are completely different from ancient people, but archaeology shows that we are quite wrong. Here is a list of 14 unbelievable facts about the life of ancient Egyptians.

Why do animals form swarms? - Maria R. D'Orsogna

Adults Life
When many individual organisms come together and move as one entity, that's a swarm. From a handful of birds to billions of insects, swarms can be almost any size. They have no leader, and members interact only with their neighbors or through indirect cues. Members follow simple rules: travel in the same direction as those around you, stay close and avoid collisions. Maria R. D'Orsogna shares why.

Why We Pick Difficult Partners

Adults Life
In theory, we're nowadays allowed to get together with pretty much anyone we like. And yet, at a psychological level, we aren't free to love just any suitable person. We have a type - and strangely and awkwardly, these types are often not those who stand a chance of making us maximally happy.