The Best Way To Apologize
YouthHow-toHumanRelationships...Explore what to do— and not to do— in order to deliver an authentic apology and make amends in a variety of situations.
What makes a poem … a poem? - Melissa Kovacs
AdultsHistoryHumanSelf...What exactly makes a poem … a poem? Poets themselves have struggled with this question, often using metaphors to approximate a definition. Is a poem a little machine? A firework? An echo? A dream? Melissa Kovacs shares three recognizable characteristics of most poetry.
How To Tell If You Smell - Quick And Easy Test
AdultsHealthHumanSelf...Are people starting to avoid you at all costs and you're not sure why? Maybe it's something about you that you can't pick up on. Maybe it's your smell. It's your stinky, sweaty smell making it so that others can't breathe? In today's funny video we're going to give you some life hacks to keeping from stinking.
I Got Popular...And It Changed Me
AdultsSelfSocietyMental Health...Isaiah had never been cool or popular. He was known as strange, the weird kid - the weirdo - and he stuck to himself. The mean girls and popular kids didn't help his shyness, really hurt his self-esteem, and so, after middle school, he was determined to make high school different.