It is very useful to know when to use these two different present tenses.
First, let's take a look at some of the ways we can use the simple present.
Repeated Activities
Use the simple present to talk about things that happen all the time, or about routines and habits or scheduled events.

I go to the gym after work every day.

Dance lessons start at 3:00 and finish after one hour.
Facts and Information
Use the simple present to give facts, definitions and information, or to talk about general truths and thoughts.

The Great Wall of China is very long.

Penguins use their feathers to keep their eggs warm.
Frequency means how often something happens. We use words called adverbs of frequency to talk about how often something happens. From not very often to very often, these words include:
- never
- seldom
- rarely
- occasionally
- sometimes
- usually
- often
- frequently
- always
Use the simple present with these adverbs of frequency. Usually the adverb comes before the main verb, but after the verb 'be.'

They usually brush their teeth once a week.

He often pops out to say hello.
Now, let's look at some of the ways we can use the present continuous.
Activities in Progress
Use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening right now, in the exact moment of speaking.

I am eating my breakfast right now.

Be quiet! The baby is sleeping!
You can also use the present continuous to talk about activities that are in progress over a longer period of time. This time should include the present, and the activity should be something that is ongoing or continuing. You can also use the present continuous to talk about things that are changing.

The sun is setting later every day!

My fever is getting higher and my cough is getting worse.

You're eating more fruit these days. It's good!

His math skills are getting better.