I will read

- skating
- skates
- ice
- pretty
- nice
- turn
- zoom
- go
- fast
- slow
- grey
- yellow
- left
- right
- paths
What can you see?

I love skating.
It is my hobby.
I skate on ice.

I have skates.
They are pink.
They are pretty.

Nina loves skating.
It is her hobby.
She skates on paths.

Nina has skates.
They are yellow.
They are nice.

Jim loves skating.
It is his hobby.
He skates on ice.

Jim has skates.
They are grey.
They are fast.

We love skating.
We spin and spin.
We go, go, go.

We turn and turn.
We zoom and zoom.
We go, go, go.

We can skate fast.
We can skate slow.
We can skate and skate.

We can skate left.
We can skate right.
We can skate and skate.

We can skate on ice.
We can skate on paths.
We can skate and skate.

Skating is fun.
Skating is cool.
Skating is our hobby.