3-0Objectives & Sequence
3-1Unit 3 Project: Predators and preys
3-1The Best Predator
3-2Protecting Yourself
3-1The Animal Kingdom
3-2The Food Chain
3-3Predator & Prey Skills
3-4Tiny Predators
3-5Dangerous Predators
3-6Marine Predators
3-3Predator and Prey Skills
3-1The Past Continuous
3-2Past Time Clauses
3-3The Present Perfect
3-4Irregular Past Participles
3-5Using the Present Perfect
3-6Using 'ever' and 'never'
3-1The Lion, Tiger and Bear Family
3-2A New Way of Hunting Fish!
3-3The Battle
3-4Cuttlefish Skills
3-1Prey Defenses
3-2Predators Attack!
3-3Ocean Predators
3-4Forest Predators
3-5Predators Are Good For Us!
3-6Toxic Predators And Prey
3-1Bug Awards
3-2Make Your Own Predator!
3-3How to Defeat a Predator
Now that you have learned about many predators, it is your chance to make up your own! Use your imagination and click on the activity to answer some questions.
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