Some water sports are very common. They are many people's favourite pastime, especially in the summer. There are recreational water sports that people of all ages can participate in. Other water sports are more dangerous, and not for amateurs. Water sports can be dangerous even for experienced swimmers. The open waters can be very unpredictable.

Many travellers around the world seek out the most beautiful scuba diving and snorkelling spots in the world. Snorkellers wear goggles and special masks with a tube sticking out of the surface of the water to enable them to breathe. Snorkelling is a great way to explore shallow water, especially coral reefs!

To explore deeper waters, scuba diving is the sport of choice. Here, divers are strapped to air tanks that allow them to breathe underwater. Some sports require a bit more gear than snorkeling and scuba diving.

Cave diving is an offshoot of scuba diving. The main difference is that the divers go into underwater caves. However, it has its own risks as well. Divers can get stuck in tight spots and run out of air. There is also the chance that the breathing apparatus might not function properly.

To enjoy wakeboarding or water skiing, you need a boat. In these sports, athletes get up on a board or water skis, which are very similar to snow skis. The skipper will drive the boat and speed up. The propulsion from the speed allows the wakeboarder or water skier to emerge and start gliding on the surface!

Surfing is a sport done with ocean waves. When it comes to waves, bigger is better for extreme surfers. The highest wave ever surfed is estimated to be over 30 meters high. That's as high as a building! It might be a better idea to look for some small waves to start.

Jet surfing is very similar, except it involves an engine. This means the surfers can create their own momentum instead of relying on the waves. The surfer holds onto a handle containing the controls, while their feet are strapped to the board. These surfers can go really fast!

While it can be a lot of fun to surf, it does have its dangers. The surfer might not just come in contact with the water. It is possible for the surfer to hit other hard objects like rocks.

Kayaking is a fun and low-impact water sport. Kayaks can fit one or two people at a time. The paddler uses a double-ended paddle to propel themselves through the water. It is a great way to enjoy the scenery.

While kayaking, the kayaker may run into strong currents or other obstacles that can capsize the kayak. When this happens, the kayaker can quickly plunge into the water. It's important to learn how to handle potentially dangerous situations from an experienced kayaker before starting. An experienced kayaker may recommend carrying a device to send out distress signals. This is especially important if someone wants to kayak alone.

Whitewater rafting takes rafting to the extreme. It is called whitewater rafting because this sport takes place on water that is moving so ferociously that all you can see is the white foam from colliding waves! It can be an exhilarating experience. So if you are looking for a relaxing boat ride, whitewater rafting is not for you!

Whitewater rafting can be dangerous. For people who are not good at swimming, it is easy to drown. Hypothermia can also be a real threat as it doesn't take long to kick in.

The water provides so many opportunities for fun and adrenaline-inducing activities. Which sport do you want to try?