Over 100 years ago, travelling from London, England, to New York, USA, took over two weeks by boat. Now, that same journey is possible in hours. This is all thanks to air travel.

Because of technology, travelling by air is now cheaper than ever. It's even possible to buy tickets for less than $30. Airplanes look more and more futuristic. From jumbo jets to single engine rescue planes, the basics are the same.

All airplanes need a pilot. The pilot controls the plane. The pilot uses the yoke to fly higher and lower. It is like the steering wheel.

To take off, most airplanes use a runway. A runway is a long, straight piece of land that allows the airplane to get enough speed to fly. The runway is also used for landing. To get to top speed, the pilot uses the throttle.

When in the air, some bigger airplanes have autopilot. Autopilot means that the airplane flies itself. It is very stressful flying an airplane. Sometimes the pilot needs a break.

It's not just pilots who work on an airplane. Flight attendants work in the cabin where the passengers sit. They make sure everyone is safe. They help the passengers stow their luggage. If there is an emergency, they keep everyone calm and safe.

The airplane is just one way of travelling in the air. There are many more.

You might have seen this vehicle in movies or cartoons. The hovercraft pushes air down to float. Hovercraft can travel on land or water. Although they don't fly very high, they do not touch the ground.

A wingsuit is an extreme way of flying. People wear a suit which gives them wings. They jump off mountains and fly through the air. They fly with no engine. To stop, they pull a parachute and float to the ground.

For your first time, you can do a tandem wingsuit jump. Tandem means you fly attached to somebody else. They make sure you are safe.

If that is a little too scary, maybe you would prefer a jetpack. The Martin Jetpack is a new air vehicle. It uses fans to lift its passenger off the ground. It might be some time before you can take a jetpack to school. Right now, they cost $126,000 USD each.

These are all exciting ways of travelling. But none are as easy or safe as flying in an airplane. Airlines have lots of rules to follow. They check the airplane before every flight. In fact, you are 19 times safer in an airplane than in a car. Are you a fan of flying?