3-0Objectives & Sequence
3-1Unit 3 Project
3-1Are Aliens Real?
3-2Being an Astronaut
3-1All About Space
3-2Biggest And Smallest Planets
3-3Hottest And Coldest Planets
3-4Closest And Farthest Planets
3-5Walking On The Moon
3-6Space Travel
3-1How Many Are There?
3-2Describe Away
3-3Predicate Adjectives
3-4A or An?
3-5More and Most
3-6Wiggle, Scream, and Jump
3-1Space Food
3-1Flying in Space
3-2I Love Moons and Stars
3-3I Love Planets
3-4Going into Space
3-5Is That an Asteroid?
3-6Going to the Space Station
Listen to a story on whether or not life on another planet would be possible.
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