Technology has changed the world. It has even changed the world of art. Art used to be physical. But now, art can be done digitally. Lots of artists choose to create digital art. It is easy to start!

Some artists use a tablet to create digital art. Tablets have a big screen. You can draw on them like paper.

It takes a long time for normal artists to make a colour. They must mix other colours. They might never find the perfect colour. But as a digital artist, you have a large palette. You can choose between thousands of hues!

Painters add lots of layers to their work. It makes their work look more interesting. It makes the pictures very deep. You can add layers to digital art too. Each layer can be different. You can even put text on digital art.

Digital artists can zoom in to see every detail. Screens are made of pixels. Each pixel is very small. You can see each pixel. You can make sure the detail is perfect.

You can also zoom out and see the image from far away. You can see how it looks from a distance. You can see what it might look like on a wall.

But what is the best thing about digital art? You can erase your mistakes!

What if you do something wrong? It's fine! You can just erase it.

What if you don't like the layout? It's fine! You can just move things.

Digital art has changed the world of art. You can be creative with digital art. You can try new things. Anybody with a computer can try. Why not have a go?