Women around the world have faced gender inequality for many years. But that doesn't stop people fighting against it. Many women in history did not accept being discriminated against. They fought back.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton died more than 100 years ago. You might think that someone who lived so long ago is no longer important. But Stanton is an important hero. She did many things that we should be grateful for today. Without Stanton, the world would be a different place.

Stanton was born on November 12, 1815, in the USA. She fought for women's rights. At that time in the USA, women were not treated as equals to men. Women were not allowed to go to university. Women were not allowed to own property. Women were not allowed to vote.

Stanton knew that this was not fair. She wanted equal rights. She knew that the laws needed reform. She started by trying to get women the right to vote.

Stanton organized rallies and marches. She encouraged women to go on strike for fair wages. She promoted healthy discord. She petitioned for universal suffrage.

Finally, in 1869, lawmakers in Wyoming, USA, gave women the right to vote. Wyoming was the first place in the USA where women could legally vote. The fight for voting rights continued in the USA. It was not until 1920 that women all over the USA were allowed to vote.

At the same time, women in other countries were fighting for their rights. Lots of women in Britain joined together in the early 1900s. They fought for women's suffrage. They were called suffragettes.

The suffragettes were all heroes. They put their lives in danger for other women. Many were sent to prison. Many were attacked. But they changed the future of the world forever.

The fight for equality is not over. We have a long way to go. Women still do not have the same rights as men. In some countries, women need permission from a man to travel on their own. In every country, women do more unpaid work than men. This includes cooking, cleaning, and childcare.

Gender inequality affects some women more than others. Not all women are treated the same. Women of colour are more discriminated against than white women. Women from a lower social class are treated worse because they are poorer.

Both women and men benefit from gender equality. It keeps women safe. It creates a peaceful society. It makes a country richer. What can you do to increase equality?