
What Would Happen If We Just Kept Digging?

The deepest hole we've ever been able to dig is just 0.2 percent of the way to the center of the Earth. What would we encounter if we could drill all the way?

The Radium Worked Until His Jaw Fell Off

We'd like to thank Luciteria for the loan of the element samples and the display in today’s episode.

Why Miners Are Flocking Back to This Abandoned Mine

There's a town in northern Mexico called Ojuela that's got a rich history of valuable mining industry, but nowadays is largely deserted.

You're Probably Wrong About Rainbows

You probably don’t understand how a rainbow really works. Get a little smarter every day with Brilliant.

Are Scientists Going Extinct?

AdultsArtificial IntelligenceFutureScience...
AI is evolving so fast that soon it might be able to take over scientific research...but what would that look like?

Black Hole's Evil Twin - Gravastars Explained

Gravastars could change how we think about the universe. These cosmic objects solve black holes’ biggest problems without breaking physics. From their ultra-thin shell to their energy-filled core, gravastars are both elegant and terrifying. But what exactly are they?

Science is shattering our intuitions about consciousness | Annaka Harris

Consciousness is everything we know, everything we experience. The mystery at the heart of consciousness lies in why our universe – despite teeming with non-conscious matter – is configured in a way where it's having a felt experience from the inside.

China’s MELTDOWN-PROOF Nuclear Reactor

This year, the first next next generation nuclear reactor expected to enter operation passed a huge milestone. Scientists and engineers in China proved that the reactor was, in theory, MELTDOWN-PROOF.

What The Ig Nobel Prize Says About Us

The Ig Nobel Prize may not come with the prestige of a Nobel, but it celebrates some weird and wonderful science. Here are the most fascinating Ig Nobel Prize-winning studies about people.

What Happens When Predators Disappear?

A world without predators. It sounds like a safer, happier world, but come on, this is SCIENCE…

The real reason polio is so dangerous

Explore what makes polio so dangerous, what is causing the 21st century resurgence of cases, and how we can eradicate the disease.

Humanity's Greatest Journey

It’s finally time to reveal the 12,025 Human Era Calendar! This is more than just a way to mark the days – it’s our chance to share something with you all which is truly one-of-a-kind, a piece of art that will inspire you for an entire year and beyond.

We Might Find Alien Life In 2303 Days

Europa Clipper is looking for signs of alien life in a very deadly place.

We Only Discovered This 10 Years Ago

Most living things on Earth need oxygen to survive, but scientists discovered a species of bacteria that uses oxygen totally differently from every other organism on Earth.

People said this experiment was impossible, so I tried it

A massive thank you to everyone at Goldschmidt for making this possible. With special thanks to Dr. Axel Hoeschen, Christof Gassmann and Claudia Koch.

Primitive Technology: A-frame Roof Tile Factory

With the wet season only 2 months away and thatch being an impermanent material, I needed to make more roof tiles for a new hut that will withstand the next deluge.

Can Young Cheetahs Hunt These Antelope? | Animals With Cameras | BBC Earth

A herd of gemsbok are a dangerous target for young cheetahs, but that doesn't stop this boisterous group from trying to hunt them. As the hunt plays out the tables quickly turn, and the large male gemsbok charges to protect his herd...

Debunking the Nuclear-Powered Manhole Cover

In 1957, a high-speed camera caught a cast iron cap moving at 66 kilometers per second.

You've Never Heard of the World's Most Common Mineral

The most common substance in the world is literally IN the world. It's a mineral called bridgmanite, and it belongs to a class of minerals (called perovskites) that scientists are trying to use in the next generation of solar panels.

Are there any places on Earth with no bugs? - Charles Wallace

Travel to some of the most extreme environments on Earth and see how insects are able to employ their skills to survive.

What Happens When Predators Disappear?

A world without predators. It sounds like a safer, happier world, but come on, this is SCIENCE…