
Bluey Minisode: Drums

Bingo is in the music shop with Mum when she discovers an electronic drum kit and some headphones.

The Train Song

All aboard! Sing the greatest train song with Rhymington Square and roll along for a fun train trip!

Hear The Painting: Almond Blossom

What do you hear when you see a painting of Van Gogh? For Remko Kühne, this painting represents the beginning of life.

3D Shapes Song

A song that helps kids learn common 3D shapes or 3-dimensional shapes.

2D Shapes Song

A song that helps kids learn common 2D shapes or 2-dimensional shapes.

Wheels On The Bus Colours Song

This engaging video takes the classic “Wheels on the Bus” song and adds a colorful twist.

Peekaboo Achoo!

Uh-oh! Peekaboo Cat has the sniffles! Sneeze along to the song, don't forget your hankie and to wash your hands!

Happy It's The Holidays

Get excited to celebrate the holiday season with lights, presents, decorations, and your favourite friends from Sesame Street!

I Like To Draw

Draw colourful shapes with Jelly from Noodle & Pals! Use this song in the classroom to learn about shapes and colours.

Caterpillar Butterfly Thing

Jam along with Jules as she sings about the journey from caterpillar to butterfly.

Grover's Island Groove

Watch Elmo and Abby flow like the ocean, sway like the trees, and more in Grover's Island Groove!

Do Your Best

How can we save the planet? Listen to this song and sing along.

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Sing along to this classic nursery rhyme featuring Tony on the ukulele!

I Can Go!

Watch as they dance and sing while learning about opposite directions in this fun and educational video.

Jungle Animal Dance Party

Come, join us and dance and sing along with your favourite wild animal friends in this fun nursery rhyme video.

I Have A Loose Tooth

Having a loose tooth is a strange feeling, isn't it? Sing the loose tooth song with us!

Can I Eat Your Toys?

Toys are for playing with, not eating! At least, that's what this toy eating monster has to learn.


Stomp along with the elephants in this super fun movement song for preschool.

A Part Of Something Special

Whether you like to draw pictures, skateboard, or play pretend together, grab your sibling and celebrate the something special that you have with this song.

These Illusions Fool Almost Everyone

A big thank you to Titus Grenyer over at Pep Organ for showing us around the Sydney Town Hall Organ, to Dr. Diana Deutsch for providing her illusions and insight into the field, to Casey Connor for advice on building sound illusions, and to Dr. Michael Bach for providing the motion-bounce illusion.

Knock, Knock, Who's At The Door?

Who is it knocking on the door?