
Pocket-Sized Kitten

Hank was the tiniest kitten in her litter. She needed a lot of extra special care to get big!

Pup Hair Makeover

Milo the dog has the most beautiful hair, but he's having a bad hair day! Lucky for him, he's got his own hair wizard. His mom!

Best Bros: Miles & Henry

Husky isn't sure what to do with his kitten brother — until he has to leap into action and rescue him!

Animal Spotlight: Working Cats

Meet Lucky and Buster, two special rescue cats that found their purrfect careers.

Animal Spotlight: Luna

Luna is obsessed with her stuffed toy donuts — she absolutely must take one on every walk.

The Unique Bond Between Humans And Dogs

Whilst some puppies are in tune with their humans, 18-week-old Willoughby – the miniature schnauzer – has other ideas...

Dalmatian Puppy Learns to Enjoy Human Contact

Dexter the Dalmatian gets daily massages to help him associate pleasure with the touch and smell of a human. He also meets Irish Setter Molly for the first time, to get used to meeting unfamiliar dogs.

Bishop And Grandma

Bishop Ace is a total sweetie around his mom...but as soon as his grandma visits, watch out!

Zepp And The Neighbour's Pool

Every morning, Zepp gets caught climbing the fence and sneaking into his neighbor's pool!

Labrador Puppy Befriends 2-Year-Old Rescue Dog

Dolly, a fox-red Labrador pup must befriend her owner's boyfriend's dog – a rescue named Bert, who values his space.

The Unique Bond Between Humans and Dogs | Wonderful World of Puppies | BBC Earth

Newborn puppies express their emotions through various tummy grunts and whines, creating a unique bond with their owner.

Sigrid The Cat

Sigrid the cat loves riding her bike around London with her dad and loves to meet everyone, except DOGS!!!

Best Animal Friends: Horses & Company

Join us to see if some shy horses can find their best friends and if Remy the dog can win over his new horse buddy.

Best Animal Friends: Birds & Company

A collection of videos showing sweet birds and their strange and wonderful best friends.

Gary's Next Pet: Puppies

What's cuter than a puppy? TWO puppies, and a unicorn!

Gary's Next Pet: Bunnies

Gary's hopping with excitement — literally! Will a bunny be Gary's next pet?

Guard Dog Fish!

Elvis is a loyal underwater puppy pal, guarding his best friend, a human, with all his fishy might.

Deaf Puppy Knows Sign Language

Jasmyne the dog communicates via sign language. How does she do that?

Molly The Mini Donkey

Molly the mini donkey is a menace! She just loves to cause chaos around the farm.

Best Animal Friends: Mila And Turbo Roo

This kitten's best friend showed her how to swim!

Henry The Stick-Loving Dog

Sir Henry’s dreams have come true as he's found the most perfect stick in the world!