
Hot Or Cold Song

This playful and educational song teaches children about temperature differences in an entertaining and action-oriented way.

How Do Ice Storms Happen?

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CBC Kids News contributor Aerin Murphy explains how ice storms form and what happens when they do.

You're Probably Wrong About Rainbows

You probably don’t understand how a rainbow really works. Get a little smarter every day with Brilliant.

The Ocean Has Weather Too And It's Weird

Prepare to support and help sustain healthy coastal and marine ecosystems with a focus on community impact by earning a Master of Science degree in Coastal and Marine Science and Management.

The Lightning Capital

Find out more about Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, also known as The Lightning Capital of The World!

Let's Understand Wildfires

Learn about an Indigenous practice using prescribed burns that fire officials use to fight out-of-control fires.

Solar Flares 2024

In May 2024, Earth saw a huge increase in extreme geomagnetic storms, leading to some spectacular aurora displays around the world.

The Terrifying Real Science Of Avalanches

Avalanches are beautiful, majestic, and completely terrifying – this is a video all about the science of avalanches.

Sunny Day

Learn about the weather in this catchy song.

The Driest Places On Earth

In this SciShow Kids episode, Jessi and Squeaks learn about amazing places where it almost never rains.

The Rainiest Places On Earth

In this episode of SciShow Kids, Jessi and Squeaks learn about places with record-breaking rainfall.

Arctic Polar Vortex

Check out this cool video all about the polar vortex! Learn what it is, how it forms and why it's important.

The Windiest Places On Earth

Jessi and Squeaks explore two of the windiest places on Earth: Mount Washington in New Hampshire, USA, and Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica.

The Rainiest Place On Earth

Huge thanks to Okouchi-San and Dr. Sakai and everyone at NIED and the Large Scale Rainfall Simulator for their time, expertise and access to this amazing facility.

Was Evacuating Fukushima a Mistake?

I explored the Fukushima Exclusion Zone for 10 days in the April of 2023. When I was there, I was honestly shocked by the amount of contamination.


If you think it's cold outside where you are, you should try living in the coldest place on Earth: Antarctica! Learn why it's a desert even though it's very cold, and about awesome animals like seals and penguins.

Inside The Sunny Center of a Hurricane

To learn more about how Florida International University is revolutionizing what we know about hurricanes, visit Why is the middle of a hurricane sometimes so clear and calm?

Rescuing A Chicken In A Snowstorm

David had been a weatherman for a long time, but this was the first time he had seen a chicken lost in a snowstorm.

The Science Of Snowflakes

Join us for a festive deep dive into the wonderful world of snowflakes voiced by Professor Brian Cox.

The Science Of Ice Skating

In this episode, Jessi and her friends at The Fort learn about the physics behind all the slippery fun you can have on the ice.

Why Hurricane Paths Are Weird

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Hurricane path prediction seems straightforward, until it is not.