Teacher Notes
Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - Past Simple.
The following vocabulary words are used in this activity:
Students work in pairs. On each tab, two photos are displayed along with sentences that describe the photos. Students must create stories that connect the two photos together.
One student starts the story by reading the sentence under the first photo. Then, students take turns saying one event at a time until the story has reached the point where the sentence under the second photo makes sense. Then, students go on to the other sets of photos/sentences in the subsequent tabs.

I woke up in the middle of the night.

I woke up in the hospital one year later.

I woke up in the middle of the night.
I heard something outside.

I went outside.
I saw a bear.

The bear saw me and started running towards me.
I ran away into a forest.

I climbed a tall tree.
But the tree broke.

I fell into a river.
I tried to swim, but the water was so strong.

I hit a rock.
I woke up in the hospital room one year later.

My friend called me yesterday afternoon.

We arrived at the restaurant in Paris and enjoyed dinner together.

I was hungry last night.

When I got home, my house was on fire.

I saw a UFO in the sky.

We went fishing at a river together.

I found one hundred dollars on the street.

We played video games at my house.

It was my birthday.

I woke up with a crazy tattoo on my arm.