Let's meet at the bus stop on Georgia Street.

In + the Middle (of)


At + the Top / Bottom (of)

At + the Front / Back (of)

At + Address
- at 329 Georgia Street
- at 2190 Scott Road, Vancouver, BC
- at 2887 Wilson Drive, Boston, MA
In or At

To Vs. In / At
To, not in or at, is used with verbs of movement (go, fly, walk, etc.).
Use in or at with verbs that don't describe movement (be, stay, etc.):


On + Vehicles
- on a bicycle
- on a bus
- on a train
- on a motorcycle
- on a skateboard
onin a car / taxi
On + Street / Road / Avenue
- on Georgia Street
- on the highway
- on Scott Road
- on Wilson Drive
- on 22nd Avenue
Other Prepositions of Place



beside / next to / by

under / below


in front of
Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.