Teacher Notes
Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a preview of Grammar - Modal Verbs #1.
The following vocabulary words are used in this activity:

Part One: Warm Up
Discuss the following questions with a partner or group:
- How do people usually feel when they start something new?
- Can you remember your first day of elementary school? High school? University?
- What are some problems people might have on their first day at a new school? How about at a new job?
Part Two: Listening
Open Exercise #1 to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document. Then, go on to Exercise #2.
Person 1: Hello, may I sit here?
Person 2: Sure.
Majeed: Hey, my name is Majeed.
Jay: Hi Majeed, I'm Jay. Nice to meet you.
Majeed: Nice to meet you too.
Jay: Is today your first day?
Majeed: Yes, I'm pretty nervous. I've never studied with a computer before.
Jay: Oh, it's really easy. You're going to love the class. Can you log on to the Wi-Fi?
Majeed: I'm having trouble.
Jay: Yes, it is working for me.
Majeed: Could you help me? I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Jay: Okay. Can I see your computer?
Jay: Oh, I see what's wrong. You're using the wrong password.
Majeed: I'm not having a good first day.
Jay: Don't worry, you'll do fine.
Majeed: Thanks for helping me out. I study computers in my country, so I know a lot about them. I can help you anytime you have a problem.
Jay: That's great. I don't know anything about computers.
Lena: Hello, my name is Lena. I'm a student guide. Are you lost?
Fiona: Oh great! Hi Lena, I'm Fiona. Today is my first day. This university is so big, and I don't know where I should go.
Lena: No problem. I can help. Do you have your class schedule?
Fiona: That's the blue paper, right? I think I have it somewhere in my bag. I hope I can find it. Oh, here it is.
Lena: May I see it?
Fiona: Sure.
Lena: Okay. It looks like your first class is in room 234 in the arts building. That's on the other side of the campus beside the library.
Fiona: Really? This isn't the arts building?
Lena: No, this is the life sciences building. But don't worry, your first class doesn't start for 30 minutes, so you have time to get there.
Fiona: Could you show me how to get to the arts building?
Lena: I can take you there. Follow me.
Customer: Hello! Welcome to Gary's Ice Cream. What can I get you?
Jamie: Actually, I'm working here. My name is Jamie and today is my first day. May I speak to the manager?
Lois: Oh, of course. We've been waiting for you. I'm Lois. I'm the manager, and I'll help get you started.
Jamie: Nice to meet you, Lois. Thanks.
Lois: Okay, first we'll get you a uniform. All of our workers wear a Gary's t-shirt and a hat. Can you tell me your size?
Jamie: Well, for t-shirts, I guess a medium is good. I don't know what my hat size is, though. Could you show me the sizes you have?
Lois: Oh, don't worry about the hat. They're all the same size. Here's your uniform.
Jamie: Thank you. Where can I change?
Lois: We have a room in the back. Before you change, can you fill out this paper with your phone number and address?
Jamie: Sure. Could I borrow a pen?