Teacher Notes
Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a preview of Grammar - Adjectives & Adverbs.
The following vocabulary words are used in this activity:

Part One: Warm Up
Discuss the following questions with a partner or group:
- Do you like technology and machines?
- What technology do you use every day?
- Do you have a cell phone? A video game console? A tablet? Why do people like these things? What kinds of people like them?
Part Two: Listening
Open Exercise #1 to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document. Then, go on to Exercise #2.
Dean: Hi, I'm Dean. What's the most useful piece of technology you own?
Person 1: Definitely my cell phone.
Dean: Are you interested in technology?
Person 1: Not really. I don't really know much about technology or gadgets, but I love my cell phone. I don't think I could live without it. I always have it, and I check it all the time.
Dean: Why do you use it so much?
Person 1: It's really convenient. I use it to keep in touch with people. I text, send emails, use social media. I do it all easily with my phone.
Dean: I see. Anything else?
Person 1: Well, I use it a lot when I'm going somewhere. You can find things quickly on your phone. Before I had my phone, I often got lost.
Dean: Is there anything else you use it for?
Person 1: Well, it's good for waiting in lines. I play a game or look at my Facebook while I'm waiting.
Kenny: My name is Kenny, and I'm a university student.
Person 1: Okay, Kenny. So what is your favourite piece of technology?
Kenny: Um, I don't know. I like a lot of different things. My computer and my phone. Oh, I think my video game console is the most important.
Person 1: Why is that?
Kenny: Because it's fun. I love playing video games, so I use my console every day.
Person 1: Why do you like video games?
Kenny: They are exciting, of course. And I like that I can do different things that I can't do normally. I can shoot zombies, fly spaceships, or build a castle. Video games are a great way to relax and forget my stress.
Person 1: Do you play alone?
Kenny: No, I usually play online with my friends. You can also meet a lot of new people playing video games. I have met friends from all over the world.
Person 1: Really? So video games are social for you?
Kenny: Absolutely. It's probably the most important reason I like them so much.
Person 1: Hi, my name is Vera.
Person 2: Hi Vera, what piece of technology do you use the most?
Vera: I think the technology I use the most is my tablet.
Person 2: Okay, so what do you use it for?
Vera: Well, I use it when I have free time. I go to the internet, watch movies and TV, check my social media, all kinds of things. I know it seems strange, but using my tablet is relaxing to me.
Person 2: But you can do all those things on a computer, right?
Vera: Yes, and before I got it, I used my computer a lot more. But after my husband bought me my tablet for my birthday, I stopped using my computer completely. I can carry and hold my tablet easily, so I can use it anywhere.
Person 2: Do you take your tablet when you go out?
Vera: No, I only use it in my house. I work hard and I'm very busy, so I don't have time to use it when I'm out.