Humanity: An Interplanetary Species
Sometimes it is difficult to see where science will take us in the near future. There are parts of our life's future that we have not yet begun to imagine.
The Wright Brothers' first flight was in 1903; the flight measured approximately 850 feet and took just under a minute. 66 years later, humanity set out on an 8-day journey of more than a billion feet to walk on the surface of the moon.
You will watch a video which outlines Professor Stephen Hawking's opinion that becoming an interplanetary species is a necessary step to ensure the survival of the human race.
Prelistening Discussion Questions:
- What are the implications of overpopulating Earth?
- Do you believe life exists elsewhere in the cosmos? Why or why not?
- What resources are available on other planets and elsewhere in our solar system?
- Do you believe humanity is acting responsibly with its natural resources on Earth? Why or why not?
Watch a related video.

Consider a role that you or someone else you know might fulfill as humanity strives towards interplanetary settlement. Think of a role that no one else in your class will consider. Have a conversation with a partner about this role, or present your idea to your class.