Part One: Warm Up
Discuss your note-taking habits with your partner(s).
- Have you ever taken notes...
- in class?
- when watching a movie?
- while on vacation?
- during an interview?
- while reading a book?
- When you’re taking notes, do you write everything down, or do you just focus on the main points?
- Do you use any abbreviations when you take notes? What do the following abbreviations stand for?
- b/c
- w/
- tech
- =
- ≠
- >
- <
- any other abbreviations?
- Do you ever get confused by your own notes when you come back to read them later?
Part Two: Vocabulary / Writing Task / Taking it Further
Here are some other note-taking tips you should keep in mind:
- Omit, or leave out, articles like “the,” “an,” and “a.”
- Omit any word that’s not needed to help you understand the gist, or main idea, of what you are writing down.
- Use an ampersand -- “&” -- instead of “and.”
- Make lists instead of writing in complete sentences across the page.
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