Part One: Warm Up
Discuss the following questions with your partner(s).
- The world is currently experiencing an environmental crisis. What human activities and actions are driving this?
- Is your school doing anything to help the environment? If so, what? If not, what do you think they could do?
- Is there anything that your school does that is harmful for the environment?
Part Two: Getting Ready to Speak / Your turn
In Listening 10-1 you heard four students making and responding to suggestions about how their school could become more sustainable. Open the transcript and work with your partner(s) to find all of the examples of:
In Listening 10-1 you heard four students making and responding to suggestions about how their school could become more sustainable. Open the transcript and work with your partner(s) to find all of the examples of:
- the expressions that the students use to suggest their ideas. Highlight them in blue.
- the expressions that the students use to respond to suggestions. Highlight the positive responses in green and the negative responses in red.
Then, open the exercise and follow the instrucions.