Part One: Warm Up
Discuss the following questions with your partner(s).
- In Listening - Transportation Problems, you heard three conversations where people gave excuses for being late. Can you remember each of their excuses?
- Josh
- Natalie
- Liam
- Look at the following excuses for being late. Are they good excuses or bad excuses?
- You slept through your alarm.
- You stopped to buy a coffee.
- You couldn’t find a parking spot.
- You got lost.
- Your car broke down.
- You lost track of time.
- You forgot.
Part Two: Getting Ready to Speak
When giving an excuse for being late, we also need to apologize, express regret, and say how we will avoid it in the future. When someone apologizes to us, we need to respond appropriately to their apology.
Open the exercise and complete Section #1.
Part Three: Your Turn
With a partner, decide who will be Student #1 and who will be Student #2. Then, each open your tab. Use the information to complete the activity.
Student #1: You start by:
- using your information to ask Student #2 for reasons for their behaviour last week.
- then, listen to their apology and excuse.
- continue the conversation by responding to their apology.
- accept or reject the apology.
Student #2: Listen to Student #1 question and then:
- use the relevant photo to apologize and give an excuse.
- listen to their response.
- express regret and reaffirm your apology.
- say how you will avoid it in the future.
Then, switch roles. Student #2 will ask questions and Student #1 will listen and respond.
Student #1 information
Thursday: was late picking their child up from school (you are their child’s teacher).
Student #2 information

Thursday (child’s teacher)

Why were you late picking Emma up from school on Thursday? (ask about behaviour)
Oh, I apologize. I got a flat tire on the way. (apologize and give excuse)

Oh no! I get it, but couldn’t you have called to let us know? (respond)
Yes, I should have called you. I really am very sorry. (express regret and reaffirm apology)

That’s OK. (accept or reject apology)
I’ll call you if it happens in the future. (say how you will avoid it in the future)

Part #1
Your partner did the following things last week.
Monday: was an hour late for work (you are their boss*).
Wednesday: missed your shared class presentation (you are their classmate/presentation partner).
Friday: turned in their homework two days late (you are their teacher).
Saturday: didn’t call you when they said they would (you are their parent).
* your relationship to Student #2 is in parentheses.
Begin the conversation by asking them for reasons for their behaviour.
Part #2
Use the picture prompts to answer your partner’s questions about your behaviour last week. Make sure that you listen carefully and respond with the picture for the correct day of the week. Note that you will not be asked about all the days. Student #2 relationship to you is in parentheses; make sure that you use expressions that are appropriate for the relationship.

Monday (sibling)

Tuesday (teacher)

Wednesday (classmate)

Thursday (friend)

Friday (co-worker)

Saturday (spouse)

Sunday (coach)
Part #1
Use the picture prompts to answer your partner’s questions about your behaviour last week. Make sure that you listen carefully and respond with the picture for the correct day of the week. Note that you will not be asked about all the days. Student #1 relationship to you is in parentheses; make sure that you use expressions that are appropriate for the relationship.

Monday (boss)

Tuesday (friend)

Wednesday (presentation partner)

Thursday (date)

Friday (teacher)

Saturday (parent)

Sunday (child)
Part #2
Your partner did the following things last week.
Tuesday: was half an hour late for class (you are their teacher*).
Thursday: didn’t show up to meet you for coffee (you are their friend).
Friday: missed a business meeting (you are their co-worker who was also at the meeting).
Sunday: was late to soccer practice (you are the coach).
* your relationship to Student #1 is in parentheses.
Begin the conversation by asking them for reasons for their behaviour.
Taking it Further
Your teacher is going to divide the class in two groups: Group A and Group B.
Stand up and find a partner who is "Student B". Apologize for the following situation.
You arranged to see a movie with your friend (Student B). You arrive 20 minutes late. The movie has just sold out.
Now change partners and look for another "Student B".
It’s your first day at a new job. You arrive 45 minutes late. Talk to your boss (Student B)
Change partners!
It’s your parent’s (Student B) birthday. You forgot to call them. It’s 9pm. You call them.
Stand up and find a partner who is "Student A". Apologize for the following situation.
It’s your one year anniversary with your partner (Student A). You made plans for a romantic dinner at an expensive restaurant. You arrive 30 minutes late.
Now change partners and look for another "Student A".
You arranged a business meeting with a very important client (Student A). You arrive 15 minutes late.
Change partners!
You arranged a 30 minute meeting with your advisor (Student A) at university. You arrive 20 minutes late.