To be persuasive,
Edward R. Murrow
We must
be believable
To be believable,
We must be credible.
To be credible,
We must be truthful.
The importance of credibility in communication
“Credibility” and being “credible” is the ability to be believed. Whether someone or something is considered credible is a personal judgement. This judgement, that all individuals make, determines believability and trustworthiness. In communication, it is the other party or the audience who decides if the communicator is credible. They make this assessment through perception. Determining credibility and trustworthiness in communication is a dynamic process that considers:
- Relationships
- The words we choose
- The tone and register use
- The nonverbal signals we show
- The actions we take and have taken
- Reputations
The reader/ listener/ audience is qualifying the congruence of the message. Is what is said, done, and shown consistent with the message being conveyed?
Credibility is an expression of trust. Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, and ability of someone or something. If we trust something, we have confidence in it. Trust is a central component for humankind throughout the globe. The concept and need for trust in communication is fundamental to all relationships and interactions including:
- Romantic partnerships
- Friendships
- Family life
- Business
- Organizations
- Professionals
How effective communication builds trust in businesses and organizations
The most essential quality for leadership is not perfection but credibility. People must be able to trust you.
Rick Warren
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