In Unit 12, our final unit, we take all of the learning we have developed over the entire course and use it to prepare for and participate in employment interviews. The process of interviewing for a new job or position with an organization is something that fills many of us with anxiety and dread. In this unit, we learn how, as with all communication, thorough planning makes interviewing much more pleasurable and effective.
Lesson 12-1 focuses on interview preparation. We start by being introduced to the processes involved in the recruitment and selection process and the role that interviews play. Next, we look at different types of interview questions and the reasons behind them. Finally, we learn how to use the six step planning process to prepare for an interview. We’ll look at defining our reasons for applying to a particular role, understanding the recruiting organization, practicing our answers, and seeking feedback.
Exercise 12.1 provides a practical opportunity to practice preparing for an interview using the six step planning process.
In 12-2, we explore the actual interview. We reestablish the role that physical appearance plays in the register and why, as a professional, we should always dress appropriately. We explore the different formats of interviews, including one-to-one interviews, panel interviews, and group interviews.
The second part of this lesson focuses on acing interviews. This also serves as a mini summary for the key guidance for any effective professional communication. It encompasses the four stage communication process; plan, do, study, act, the six step planning process, and key advice given throughout the course from visualization to seeking and acting on feedback.
Exercise 12.1 provides a practical opportunity to practice being interviewed using everything you have learned throughout this course!
The following terms and concepts appear in Unit 11;
Unit Warm-up Questions
The following questions can be used as readying activities to introduce concepts, create participation, and encourage analytical and creative thinking. Questions can be used before you begin the unit, or at any time during each lesson.
Lesson 1
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