My Birthday
I will read

- birthday
- party
- today
- barbeque
- chef
- grill
- coal
- fire
- friends
- hungry
- burgers
- fries
- ketchup
- full
- presents
What can you see?

Hello, I'm Dana.
It's my birthday.
I'm nine today!

This is my party.
It's a barbeque.
I love it.

This is my dad.
He is the chef.
He can cook.

He gets the grill.
He gets the coal.
He makes the fire.

I see my friends.
We play.
We talk.

We are hungry.
We want burgers.
We want fries.

We ask my dad.
He cooks the food.
It smells yummy.

We get burgers.
We get fries.
We get ketchup.

We eat burgers.
We eat fries.
We are full!

We rest.
We chat.
We are happy.

I see a cake.
We eat the cake.
It is yummy.

I see presents.
I open them.

Thank you.
I love my presents.

Thank you.
I love my cake.

Thank you.
I love my food.

Thank you.
I love my party.