At The Library
I will read
- library
- books
- shelf
- seat
- librarian
- place
- card
- find
- long
- great
- our
- may
- borrow
- bring
- back
What can you see?

This is our library.
It is a big place.
I love it.

This is the librarian.
He loves books.
He is great.

I go there.
I love the library.
I look at this shelf.
So many books!

I find a book.
I take it.
I find a seat.
I sit.

I open the book.
I read it.
It is a great book.
I put it back.

I want one more.
I look, look, look.
It takes a long time.
I find many books.

I bring the books.
I give my card.
"May I borrow them?"

He says, "Yes!"
I borrow the books.
I take them home.

I read the books.
They are great.
I bring them back.

I borrow more books.
I read them all.
I take them back.

I love books.
I love reading.
I love our library.