Oh, No!
I will read

- siren
- police car
- ambulance
- fire engine
- same
- different
- too
- follow
- because
- came
- climb
- ladder
- noise
- save
- people
What can you see?

I hear a noise.
What is it?
It's a siren!

Is it an ambulance?
It's a different noise.

Is it a police car?
It's a different noise.

Is it a fire engine?
It's the same noise.

Oh, no!
There is a fire.
Oh, no!
It's too big.

Oh, no!
I see people.
Oh, no!

I see a ladder.
She can climb it.

She can save them.
Good job.

I hear a noise.
What is it?
It's a siren!

Is it an ambulance?
It's the same noise.

We follow it.
We see them.

Oh, no!
She is hurt.

I see the nurse.
She came to help.
The nurse helps her.
She is okay.

I hear many sirens.
I don't like sirens.

It's because they're noisy.
Do you like sirens?