The Animals
I will read

- farm
- children
- fast
- slow
- river
- mountain
- wind
- rock
- animals
- story
- goats
- donkeys
- sheep
- horses
- chickens
What can you see?

This is my farm.
It is a big farm.
There are many animals.
They are cute.

There is a river.
It is long.
There is a mountain.
It is high.

I see some children.
They play with the sheep.
The sheep run fast.
The children run slow.

I see some men.
They play with the goats.
The goats climb a rock.
The men cannot climb.

I see some women.
They play with the chickens.
The chickens peck.
The women cannot peck.

I see some donkeys.
They play with the horses.
The donkeys run fast.
The horses run superfast!

I see the animals.
I see the children.
I see the men.
I see the women.

We all sit.
We all eat.
We all rest.
We feel the wind.

The animals go to bed.
We go inside.
We read a story.
We go to bed.