The animal world is full of surprises. From beautiful colours to amazing sounds, there's always something amazing to learn. But some animals have powers that only seem possible for superheroes. We are surrounded by incredible creatures that put us humans to shame!

Would you like everlasting life? The turritopsis dohrnii is the world’s only known immortal animal. This jellyfish is the only creature that can reverse the aging process. It can revert to an early stage of its life and start again! This means it gets to grow up all over again and again as many times as it wants to.

This isn't just an amazing animal. The finding was revolutionary for humans. These animals could teach us how to regenerate damaged tissue and treat serious diseases.

The honey badger may look cute and furry, but its ferocity has earned itself the title of the most fearless animal in the world. They are solitary animals that live in Africa and Asia. Their tough skin is very hard to penetrate.

The honey badger can steal food from deadly snakes. It will sit and eat it while getting bitten over and over again by the snake. Then it will eat the snake and walk away with enough poison in his body to kill 5 grown adults and still live! It will even fight off lions. Now that is one tough animal!

What do geckos and Spiderman have in common? They can climb tall buildings! Geckos have lots of tiny hairs on their feet. They are so tiny that they are invisible. These hairs are like sticky cups that help the gecko to climb.

But that is not the gecko's only skill. Gecko's have amazing eyesight in the dark. Their corneas get larger at night to let in more light. You might see a gecko licking its own eyes. That is because it cannot blink! It licks its eyes to clear dust and dirt from its eyes.

The gecko has an amazing defensive skill. If it is being chased, it can lose its tail. The process, autotomy, distracts the predator and allows the gecko to escape.

So what makes the blanket octopus special? It is a lot like Batman! First of all, this elusive octopus already has its own cape. It is a long piece of flesh that protects the tentacles.

Also, it borrows tools to give itself power, just like Batman does. The blanket octopus is immune to the sting of deadly jellyfish. It rips the stinger from toxic jellyfish and uses it as a weapon!

Finally, the octopus can change colours to match its environment. This allows it to hide from enemies. If that wasn't enough it has three hearts, just in case one doesn’t work.

The pistol shrimp is small enough to hold on your finger. But don’t let the pistol shrimp's size fool you! For its weight, it is one of the most raucous animals on Earth. With just one snap of his claws, this creature has the power to make you lose your hearing!

The pistol shrimp has weaponized bubbles. Its claws create a sound bubble underwater so strong it kills fish. It can even be picked up by boats and submarines.

Who says superpowers only belong to heroes? These animals prove that the natural world is just as amazing as the supernatural one.