In the past, many people told myths -stories that explain a natural phenomena. For example, the ancient Egyptians explained the sun setting every night by telling a story about a beetle that rolled a big ball to cover the sun every day.
Today, we can explain most natural phenemena using science. We know that the sun sets because the Earth is turning away from the sun. But in the past, people did not have as much knowledge or technology as we do. They told stories to explain the things they did not understand.

You will create your own myth to explain a natural phenomenon! You can even choose a phenomenon that we do not have a scientific explanation for yet!
Follow these steps to create your myth.
- Pick out a natural phenomenon to write about. For example: rainbows, volcanoes, waterfalls, etc.
- Explain what we see when the phenomenon happens. For example: 'A colourful arc appears in the sky when it is raining and sunny at the same time.'
- Create some characters for your myth.
- Write a story to explain how the characters and the things they did made the phenomenon happen.
Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.