Music can be found in all corners of the Earth. From remote tribes in the thick jungles of the Amazon to concrete jungles that fill the city, there are people enjoying music.

Who writes the music? A composer is someone that writes music. Composers can write many different kinds of music; they have their own style. They make music that is played in different forms. Composers can write music for video games. Some composers will write music for movies and TV shows. Remember that scene in a movie with the creepy music? Or the exciting action scene with the epic music in the background? They are written by composers. Some of the music is so popular, they are easily recognized.

A conductor is very important. A composer can write a beautiful piece of music. But without a conductor, it might not sound the way it's supposed to. Conductors make sure that everyone is following the music and the tempo. A piece of classical music should sound very similar across performances.

What's on your playlist? Is there a certain singer or group you enjoy listening to? There are many global superstars. Their songs, TV shows, and movies spread across the globe. Their music videos are often viewed over 200 million times online. They are very famous.

These superstars have many fans. Fans are people that like the superstar. They might show their support by going to concerts. Many fans will know the lyrics to the superstar's songs. Fans could also follow their favourite superstars on social media.

Some of these superstars might be in a group with other members. They will sing as a group. They will dance as a group. Once the group becomes more popular, the members might start subunits. Two of the superstars might form a duo and sing duets together. Others might begin their solo career and sing by themselves. Some superstars might even become their own songwriters.

Some people like to do covers of popular songs. That means they take the original song and sing it. Sometimes they will sing the song in their own way. They might change the tune. They might change the tempo.

Have you been to a musical? It can be a play or a movie, but it has more singing and dancing. In some musicals, very little is said. Most of the story is told by singing. Musicals have been around for a long time.

Have you seen a jukebox before? It is a machine that plays music, but first you have to insert a coin. Jukeboxes have different buttons on them. You use those buttons to select the song you want. The early jukeboxes could only hold about 20 - 40 songs. They have changed a lot and most jukeboxes can hold over 100 songs now.

Music keeps changing over time. What do you think music will be like in the future?