Listen as your teacher reads the sentences aloud. Notice the sight words in blue.
- I asked all of my American friends to stand in the back.
- There will be another movie about a dog.
- I will become a resident of this country after today.
- There aren’t even any cases of flu.
- The child begins school again in one week.
- There is a big dog sitting against the wall again.
- You can call the phone company now.
- John comes here one day each week.
- How could your friends and family find you?
- As soon as I find my keys, I will go.
- Do you feel at home here?
- The government gives us great things.
- Every week I only get three dollars.
- Our group has just a few people.
- His hand is stuck between the wall and the door.
- I never go there because it is not good.
- First I have to buy more food for him.
- He hears her walking down the hall.
- I helped out his sister during the break.
- The man knows me but not many other people.
- It looks like the last place by the window is open.
- Make the bed, leave the door open, and keep your room clean.
- The bank may let you borrow its money.
- A number of people think exercising is part of a healthy life.
- The high government official means to open a new school.
Now, practice by reading the sentences aloud to your partner.

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