Follow along as your teacher reads the story.

Bananas are a yellow fruit that grows in hot climates. Sometimes it is called the “perfect fruit” because you don’t have to wash it and it is easy to carry. Bananas are good for muscles. For a delicious treat, add some banana slices to other foods, like cereal, ice cream, or a peanut butter sandwich. A banana is also an excellent breakfast food.
Pineapples are another example of a yellow fruit that grows in hot climates. Pineapples are very juicy and sweet. They taste wonderful when added to other foods, like pizza, ice cream, or cakes. Pineapples are not very easy to carry around because they are large and have prickly skin. Since* you don't eat the outer skin of a pineapple, you don’t have to wash it before you eat it.
Now read the story with your partner.
Reading Fluency Practice
Practice along with the audio and continue on your own when it stops at the asterisks sign*
Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.