This unit is designed to help you look inward at yourself and learn to communicate that to other people. We are going to to talk about topics such as dreams, ambitions, habits, and what changes we want to make in our lives. Get together with a partner or small group and discuss the following questions.

- Where do you want to be in your life in 10 years?
- How did you come to this language school?
- As you have become older, how have your ambitions and goals changed?
- What is your main reason for studying English?
- What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your life? How did you overcome it?
- What steps do you need to take to achieve your goals?
- Describe your work ethic? (Work ethic is how hard you work)
- How many hours a day do you study? Do you think this should be increased?
- What outside influences, such as family or your country’s government, do you have to motivate you in school?
- What is your main motivator to achieve in life?
- What are your strengths and weakness’ in school?
- If you could do anything for the rest of your life, what would you do?
You will now select two questions to write in more detail about. Open up the attached exercise and write a detailed response to two of the previous questions. Once you write your response you can record yourself reading this for extra credit. Ask your teacher to show you how.