This unit is designed to help us explain the things we know. We will use research to learn about a topic and try to explain that information to our peers.

- What were your favorite topics in school? Why?
- What have your learned by traveling to different countries? How can this knowledge help you in the future?
- What hobbies do you have? How did you get into them?
- What is the most common news source for you? Radio, internet, magazine, newspaper?
- When you read the news, which topics are most important for you?
- Why is it important to have passion for learning?
- Have you ever watched a documentary? What was it about?
- What is a greater challenge than learning a new language?
- What is your opinion on education in your country?
- What do you think are the benefits of the American style education? What are the drawbacks? Compare it with your previous experience of education.
- When you want to express yourself what is your favorite way? Social media, blog, journal, music, talking with friends?
- What is the best way to learn about something new? What websites do you use to learn? Do you go to the library
You will now select two questions to write in more detail about. Open up the attached exercise and write a detailed response to two of the previous questions. Once you write your response you can record yourself reading this for extra credit. Ask your teacher to show you how.