This unit will focus on the introduction of presentations. The main goal of a presentation is to give your information to your audience in a clear and engaging way.

The introduction of a presentation is one of the most important parts. This small part of the presentation gives you the opportunity to capture the attention of the audience. Once you capture the attention of the audience you can keep that attention throughout the presentations.
Capturing the attention of the audience is called a 'hook'. Here are some ways to create a hook for your presentation.
- Interesting fact or question
- A quote from a famous person that illustrates your topic
- Story or illustration
Speech Example
"Good afternoon everyone. I want to thank you for coming today. Did you know that Americans consume over 1 billion plastic shopping bags every year? And did you know that only 3% of those shopping bags are ever recycled? That means that each and every year hundreds of millions of plastic bags are going into our landfills."
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